Saturday 8 September 2007

Freezing & Crashing

There was an article today in the Second Life Herald that had an interesting graph of some data from the recent key metrics release. It showed that about 24% of sessions are ended "abnormally". I'm not sure exactly what this includes...obviously crashes or freezes. I find this number surprisingly high, as I would estimate 5% of my sessions, at most, end in freezes or crashes. Since my internet problems have started, however, I'm sure I've been contributing to this number from all the times my connection has gone out on me while I was logged in. This makes me wonder how many of these abnormally ended sessions are actually not the fault of Second Life, but something on the user's end.

How often do you freeze or crash? Are there other ways your sessions ends "abnormally"?

p.s.: I am writing this from my new computer which is now running Windows XP. I was finally successful in getting it installed, and I may write about it. Right now, though, it's something I just want to forget.


Anonymous said...

You mean you got the slipstreaming to work using Wine? Awesome. I've used slipstreamed installs before, but never made one.

As for crashing, I've crashed probably 30 times in the last three days. Nope, I'm not kidding. I'm actually trying to keep one of my bots online for 24 hours for testing purposes, and it's rare that I get 4 hours. Often I get around 10 minutes before a Network Timeout or other problem.

Colin said...

Wow, that's a lot of crashing. It does seem more unstable lately. Usually the Linux client has been the most stable, though.