Tuesday 18 September 2007

Can LL change anything without a bug?

LL made a change to the Terms of Service today. The nature of the change isn't the topic here, although it appears to be beneficial. The problem is I now can't log in to SL as I have to agree to the new ToS, but the dialog is stuck on "loading..." and won't let me choose to agree. I have tried restarting the client. Grr...

Update: I went to the support page on the website and connected to live chat. "Jake" asked what my problem was, I told him, he said "I will fix this" and then a few minutes later "fixed". I successfully logged in (I didn't see the ToS box). So...I avoided agreeing to the new ToS...?

Update 2: I am having the same problem with my alt (who I haven't introduced yet, that post is coming), but since my alt doesn't have a premium account, I can't use live chat. I went back to my normal account and back into live chat, telling them I was having the problem with an alt. This time "Patrick" said they knew about that problem and were working on it. I asked if there was a work-around, and he said they were asking people to just wait a few minutes until it loads. I think I have been waiting close to 10 minutes now. Where is "Jake"!?

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