Tuesday 18 September 2007

Comments from the Official Linden Blog

Sometimes I wonder what percentage of Linden Lab's employees take anti-depressants.

"…we value free expression, bla bla bla"

"How about the account history page NOT updating for hours…a problem that exists since last thursday?

Good morning Linden…hope you guys/gals had a good rest - at least your sleep seems to be very sound !"

"It’s posts like these that make me laugh quietly to myself."

"WOW…… right now i can’t remember any of the bugs i was working around all the time that HASN’T been fixed!!! GREAT WORK!!!"

"You know this may be alittle OFF TOPIC - but you keep on with this new CRAP! I WANT YOU TO FIX THE SOFTWARE FIRST ! I have crashed 24 times today - get that LL 24 friggin times. This time EVERY NIGHT (LISTEN NOW) EVERY NIGHT I start jerking and jagging and stuttering and slobbering all over myself. I push 8md bandwidth !!! HEAR THAT LL ???? It’s not on MY SIDE> I am damn tired of it. You charge me $9.95 every friggin month “ON TIME” cause that’s the only software you HAVE that WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sick and tired of friggin posting here cause you never fix crap - you never answer OR resolve “BUG REPORTS” you do nothing but introduce new crap that screws things up more. You are loosing premium members and “gaining” newbies that don’t pay crap!!! I am sick and tired of you not addressing the issues brought up in the blog replies. You whistle and bell us and give us a story. LL you have some SERIOUS ISSUES to address. Some of which are SECURITY ISSUES>which I have told you about the bugs in your software and you ignore. You take our money - on time. When your “cracked” software allows avatars to poof objects and manipulate other avatars and access my funds - you have a serious problem -YET YOU PAY NO ATTENTION TO IT OR ANSWER MY REPORTS!!!! That’s “good” business! You pay absolutly no attention to “bug” or “abuse” reports except send me an email. I can use your online support fine “that works” half the time to waste 70 minutes to get no where and cut off. Your relationship with PayPal - well let’s just say PayPAl don’t like you. Straight up!!! Everytime I do PayPal I call to call you - on MY DIME to set it straight - let me hear you explain that LL. It does get straight but it costs me another 5 bucks long distance to do that. How many lindens it that LL? You can remove this post if you don’t like the truth."

"/me laughs at yet another half-done pseudo-effort of problem solving."

These are all from the past few weeks or so. Some of the best ones were from the Wednesday maintenance posts back when they shut down the grid every two weeks. I might go back and look through those if I find myself with nothing better to do.

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