Monday, 31 March 2008

C:SI Now Using Monthly Payments!?

This has just been posted on the C:SI website. April Fools', right? That's what I thought, until my sword requested permission to take Lindens from my account. I choose "Deny" and it disappeared from my inventory! WTF? I hope the devs realize how many customers they are going to lose because of this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Might lose a few of the customers that have been around for a while, but if you read New World Notes ( you'll notice that SL is now up to 66K concurrent users online, and new signups are steadily picking up again.

C:SI has been growing by nearly 1,000 users a month. If even 10% of those new users pay the monthly fee of 9.95 to use the C:SI system, our^w^w^wtheir profits will SOAR!!!

Don't be a hater just cause they thought of it first.