Friday, 21 March 2008

Second Life Command Line Options

There are some useful command line options for Second Life that I'm not sure many people know about. To add a command line option in Windows, you have to right-click on the Second Life shortcut, choose "Properties" and then add the options to the end of the "Target:" line. Mac're on your own. Maybe someone who owns a Mac can post a comment explaining how to do it.

This will stop Second Life from preventing you from running more than one viewer at a time, allowing you to log on to multiple accounts simultaneously on the same computer.

Bypass the login screen and automatically log on with the name and password that is stored. You can also use "-login <first> <last> <password>" to log in as any account without the login screen.

Clears the cache when it runs. This is useful because normally if you want to clear the cache you have to log in, click "Clear Cache" in the options, then log out and log back in. There might also be a case where the cache is corrupted and you crash before you can even get to the "Clear Cache" button.

If you set some options that now cause your viewer to crash immediately, you can run with this parameter to reset your options.

This didn't work for me when I tried it, but it's supposed to run the viewer without connecting to the simulator. I was interested in seeing what that was like, and what exactly you could do without a simulator.

There is a full list of command line options here.


Viagra said...

That was a great tutorial!

Elliott Broidy said...

Thanks for the help.