Wednesday 5 March 2008

Network Neutrality

This is an excellent video about the issue of network neutrality. I didn't realize that basically the same thing happened with printing and radio, which makes me even more scared about the possibility of this actually happening. If the internet loses network neutrality, it will most likely spell the end of Second Life (among many other things), as I'm pretty sure Linden Lab doesn't have the money to pay the telephone companies.

p.s. (What? I'm just stating facts, I'm not pushing a specific candidate :P)
Obama is for network neutrality and has promised to make it a priority for his first year in office.
Clinton has said she is for network neutrality, but it is not something she has mentioned as part of her campaign.
McCain is either genuinely undecided, or doesn't want to publicly say he's against it. He has been quoted as saying, "When you control the pipe you should be able to get profit from your investment."
Sources: 1,2,3,4,5

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