Monday 24 March 2008

Linux Client Sound FAIL!

I'm trying to use the Second Life client on Linux again, which I haven't done in a long time. I posted a while back about the differences between the clients, and in the last paragraph of that post I talk about the sound problems I have had in Linux. Well, the problems seem to have gotten worse. Now the sound stutters (like when you're trying to play a scratched DVD). Hopefully I will be able to find a way to fix it. At this point, I'm not even sure if it's a result of changes in the Second Life program or in Ubuntu.

Edit: The shell script that runs Second Life has some sound configuration options. After playing around with them, it looks like Second Life is using OSS instead of ALSA. This is probably the source of the problem, now I just need to figure out how to get it to use ALSA.

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