Saturday, 12 April 2008

MySql 5.1

MySql is the database system that is used for all Second Life's databases, which have been the main cause of most of the problems that have been occurring the past few months. The release of MySql 5.1 is coming next week, and according to Sun it "should help MySQL compete in environments where performance and the ability to scale are critical." That seems to describe Second Life perfectly. Also, "5.1 has not only greater reliability, but a performance increase of 20 percent. It will be more in some cases and less in others, but there's a significant performance boost and scalability enhancements." So let's hope this update does something to improve the current conditions, and that it doesn't take LL two years to update to this new version.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm obviously no insider, so take this as the speculation that it is, but...

I *will* take them a great deal of time to upgrade, I am quite certain of that.

First of all, there's always a tremendous amount of hesitation to upgrade a mission-critical production environment, and while I frequently blast LL for not thinking things through all the way I would be willing to be that they'll go slow on this.

Secondly, I would swear that I remember reading somewhere that they weren't using "out of the box" MySQL, but were instead using a custom build. If that is true (it may not be, but I think it is), then it would take even longer to retrofit those changes.

We know from the nearly-daily downtime and system problems over the last thirty days (even to the desperate point of shutting down logins) plus the fact that they are publicly recruiting again that LL is very short on resources in general - and appear to be shortest on quality assurance resources - so I would not expect an update in the very near future.

For the long-term future, though, this should help to some degree. I don't know how much it will help, nothing can save a company from poor configuration or unreliable service providers, but it should help some I would think.