Saturday 29 December 2007

Windlight and Release Candidates Disabled

From the Official Linden Blog: "If you are using our Windlight or Release Candidate viewer, you might have noticed that you are currently not able to login or download the latest version of either. We have found an issue concerning both of these viewers, that required us to disable them for the time we need to fix the problem."

Every time you log into Windlight, God kills a kitten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This turned out to be good for me, as I'm currently attempting to use some sculpted prims to jazz up a few parts of the new sword I am making, and this forced me to use the main release viewer where I discovered to my immense frustration that the sculpties I was happy with in Windlight when viewed in the current release viewer looked like porcupine ass : all spiky and puckered.

However, I am very glad that they got the issue resolved, since the main viewer just doesn't work properly for me AT ALL.